About This Episode:
In this episode, we chat with Jody Grunden about the most important metrics every agency should track to maximize their profitability.
Tune in to find out what to focus on and what benchmarks to aim for to make sure you never run out of cash or miss payroll.
About Jody Grunden:
Jody Grunden is CEO & C0-Founder of Summit CPA Group an accounting firm that specializes in working with Agencies.
He’s also an industry
With the mission of changing the way that people think about accounting, Summit CPA Group specializes in helping digital agencies manage and scale their financial health through solid forecasting based on both financial and non financial metrics through its Virtual CFO Services.
His latest book, Digital Dollars and Cents: A Virtual CFO’s Playbook to help Digital Companies Create a Financial Roadmap to Success can be read on Kindle and Amazon
Follow Jody Online:
– Summit CPA Blog: https://www.summitcpa.net/blog
– Twitter: http://bit.ly/2Qbatrs
– The Book: https://amzn.to/2Di7bzy

Marcel Petitpas
CEO & Co-Founder
Based in Moncton, NB Canada Marcel is the CEO & Co-Founder of Parakeeto. He's on a mission to build the worlds best workplace at Parakeeto. He believes work should give us more energy and inspiration to serve our families and communities, not drain us of our will to live. He started Parakeeto so he could help agencies create and predictable and stable environment, so they can produce their best work and live a more balanced life.