The Ultimate 2023 Project Accounting Guide for Agencies Many organizations face difficulties when it comes to assessing project-level profitability. Whether dealing with project overruns, budget discrepancies, or striving for accurate project scoping, the challenge of...
Introduction One of the questions we spend a lot of time worrying about as agency owners and executives thinking about is balancing our capacity against the work we need to do for clients. Are we understaffed or overstaffed? How will that change in the future? What...
Introduction Isn’t it funny how some of the most simple questions in agency operations – like “did we make money on this project?” are some of the hardest ones to answer? If you’re leading an agency or are on the leadership team, you know how much you could benefit...
I got an email recently from a reader asking for my opinion on structuring variable compensation for his team. I wanted to take the ideas that I shared with him in my response and package them up into something others could benefit from, so I decided to create this...
You’ve found your way to this blog post, but this isn’t the first time you’ve googled how to calculate your team’s utilization rate. And you wouldn’t be here if it was crystal clear for you already, would you? Below you’ll find the embedded calculator that keeps the...