About This Episode:
In this episode, Bob Ruffolo from IMPACT joins us to share the story behind IMPACT – an award winning marketing agency. Among his lessons, he shares the struggle of getting stuck in the 20 ish employee range, and how he finally broke out of that to grow to over 60 employees today.
About Bob Ruffolo:
Bob is the founder and CEO of IMPACT, a company focused on helping people find success with inbound marketing through education, events, and agency services. In 2017, IMPACT was recognized as HubSpot’s Partner Agency of the Year.
Personally, Bob is a graduate of Central Connecticut State University and was inducted into their School of Business Hall of Honor in 2014 for entrepreneurial excellence. In the same year, he was also recognized as one of Hartford Business Journal’s 40 Under Forty. Beyond being driven to grow IMPACT, Bob strives to be at the forefront of the inbound marketing movement and loves helping similar agencies execute their growth.
In his spare time, he is a regular speaker at HubSpot’s annual Inbound Conference and local universities, an active member of several entrepreneurial groups, and sits on the boards of local educational and community foundations. He is also an avid Yankees and Jets fan.
Resources from Bob:
- Jim Collins Books: http://bit.ly/JimCollinsBooks
- EOS System: https://www.eosworldwide.com/what-is-eos
- The Game of Business: http://bit.ly/GreatGameofBiz
- IMPACT Elite FB Group: http://bit.ly/IMPACTElite
- IMPACT LIVE: https://www.impactbnd.com/live
Follow Bob Online:
- Impact Website: https://www.impactbnd.com
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bobruffolo/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/BobRuffolo

Marcel Petitpas
CEO & Co-Founder
Based in Moncton, NB Canada Marcel is the CEO & Co-Founder of Parakeeto. He's on a mission to build the worlds best workplace at Parakeeto. He believes work should give us more energy and inspiration to serve our families and communities, not drain us of our will to live. He started Parakeeto so he could help agencies create and predictable and stable environment, so they can produce their best work and live a more balanced life.