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Unlocking Your Team’s Potential: The Ultimate Guide to Workload Management




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Last updated Nov 2, 2023


Unlocking Your Team’s Potential: The Ultimate Guide to Workload Management

Last updated Nov 2, 2023 | 0 comments



We all know that work can pile up faster than a toddler’s toy collection, and before you know it, your team is drowning in deadlines and stress. But fear not, my fellow manager-in-arms, because effective workload management is the solution to this madness.

By implementing some slick strategies and tools, you can help your team stay on top of their tasks, boost productivity, and still have a life outside of work. I personally believe that if work becomes an enjoyable and fulfilling part of your life, then you don’t need “work-life balance” just a balanced life.

This article will teach you how to become a workload management wizard. We’ll be exploring essential strategies like prioritization techniques, time management hacks, delegation and outsourcing tips, and the best workload management software and tools. Plus, we’ll show you how to create a killer workload management plan and how to stick to it like glue.

So, if you’re ready to transform your team’s productivity and avoid burnout, then keep reading. We’ve got all the juicy insider info and guidance you need to manage your team’s workload like a pro.

So what exactly is workload management?

Picture this: You’re a plate spinner; your workload is the plates. Workload management is your secret weapon to keep those plates spinning without crashing down. 

At Parakeeto, we like to approach workload management starting with time as the deciding factor. For the short term, it should be treated as a form of bottom-up forecasting meant to get a precise sense of who is doing what in the near term. This works well for ” mature ” work in the sales cycle, like confirmed projects with a clear scope, deliverables and DRIs.

When forecasting across a broad time horizon or immature projects prone to change, depending on factors outside your control or involving large teams, approaching workload management as a top-down forecasting exercise becomes much more effective.

Why Is Workload Management Important?

Let’s talk about the perks of effective workload management, shall we?

Improved productivity and efficiency 

That’s right, by getting your workload organized, setting priorities, and delegating resources, you and your team can zoom in on the most critical tasks and complete them like champs. The result? Higher quality work, speedy delivery, and increased overall productivity.

Reduced Stress and burnout + better mental health

No cap, but the number one reason I love working at Parakeeto is that the workload management here is exceptional. As a result, I always close out the day feeling like I’ve given my best and can still catch up with a friend for lunch on a Wednesday or do my grocery shopping on a weekday afternoon, feeling like the queen of Loblaws. And I’ve cut my coffee consumption to ONE cup a day. 

Effective workload management will have your entire team feeling like this most of the time. This means they will be able to show up to work as their best selves and be able to unlock the grind that your agency needs from its team members. 

Plus, we all know that happier employees equals better retention rates.

Enhancing work-life balance 

As I said before, “work-life balance” implies that work and life are separate. But imagine creating a culture where people love their work enough for it to be an enjoyable part of their life.  

By setting priorities, delegating tasks, and managing your team’s time effectively, you ensure your team has the time and mental peace to be able to live wholesome lives. Say goodbye to those late-night work binges and hello to more leisure activities. 

Better team collaboration and communication

By assigning tasks and responsibilities, everyone in the team can work together more effectively, reducing conflicts and misunderstandings. It also creates opportunities for team members to showcase their growth and set the stage for career growth. Teamwork makes the dream work, am I right?

Top Workload Management Strategies and Tools

You didn’t think I was going to ramble on about the pros of workload management without telling you how to achieve it, did you?

Prioritization techniques

Now let’s talk about prioritization techniques because, let’s face it, not all tasks are created equal. And effective prioritization is crucial to managing your workload like a boss. Both you and your team members can use these techniques to optimize their tasks and time.

The Eisenhower Matrix

First up, we have the Eisenhower Matrix, also known as the Urgent-Important Matrix. It sounds fancy, but it’s actually a simple and effective tool. The matrix involves dividing tasks into four categories: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important. This helps individuals and teams identify the most critical tasks that need immediate attention and avoid getting bogged down in less important tasks.

The ABCDE method

Another prioritization technique is the ABCDE method, which sounds like a grading system, but bear with me. It involves categorizing tasks by their level of importance. A tasks are the most important and must be completed first, followed by B tasks, which are important but not as critical. C tasks are tasks that can be delegated, D tasks are tasks that can be deferred, and E tasks are tasks that can be eliminated. By using this method, you can prioritize tasks and get more done in less time.

The Ivy Lee method

Finally, we have the Ivy Lee method, which is a simple yet effective prioritization technique. The idea is to identify the six most important tasks for the day and rank them in order of priority. Then, you work on each task, one at a time, until they’re all done. This method helps you focus on the most important tasks, and avoid getting distracted by less important ones.

Time management strategies

In addition to prioritization techniques, effective time management is key to managing your workload. Here are some strategies you can use:

Time blocking

Time blocking is a technique that involves scheduling specific times for tasks and activities throughout the day. By blocking out time for specific tasks, individuals and teams can focus on one task at a time and avoid distractions. This helps you make the most of your time, and get more done in less time.

The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is another time management technique that involves breaking down work into 25-minute intervals, known as “Pomodoros,” followed by short breaks. This technique helps individuals and teams work more efficiently by maintaining focus and avoiding burnout. It’s like interval training for your brain!

I use a modified version where I work for 50 minutes and then take a 10 minute break in which I walk my dog or sneak in a quick meditation (I also scroll on Instagram, I’m only human.)

The two-minute rule

Last but not least, we have the two-minute rule, which is a simple yet effective time management technique. The idea is to immediately complete any task that takes less than two minutes rather than adding it to a to-do list. This method lets you quickly knock out small tasks and free up time for more important ones. The key is to keep a watchful eye on the clock and use it as a reminder to stick to the rule.

Delegation and outsourcing

Another way to manage your workload is by delegating and outsourcing tasks. It’s not always possible to do everything yourself, and delegating tasks can help you focus on the most important ones. Here are some things to consider when delegating tasks:

Identifying tasks to delegate

First, you need to identify which tasks can be delegated. Look for tasks that are time-consuming or require skills that you don’t have. These are the tasks that are good candidates for delegation.

Finding the right team members or external resources

Once you’ve identified the tasks to delegate, you need to find the right team members or external resources. Look for people who have the skills and experience needed to complete the task and who are reliable and trustworthy.

Effective communication in delegation

Finally, effective communication is key to successful delegation. Make sure you clearly communicate the task, expectations, and deadlines to the person you’re delegating to.

Alright, let’s spice things up a bit! Here are some more engaging ways to talk about workload management software and creating a plan:

Workload Management Software and Tools

You don’t have to be a superhero to manage your workload like a boss. That’s where workload management software and tools come in handy. From Float to Asana, there’s a tool out there to suit your needs. These digital helpers let you prioritize tasks, track progress, collaborate with team members, and manage deadlines like a pro. Just make sure to choose a tool that fits your team’s unique style and workflow. And remember, it’s not about the tool you use, but how you use it. So, don’t forget to check in regularly and make adjustments as needed.

Here are some top software options for workload management:

  • Float – Is the ultimate resource management tool for managers who want to maximize their team’s time. With robust reporting tools, you can make data-driven decisions for your business. Plus, Float integrates with the top agile project management tools like Slack and Teamwork. 
  • ResourceGuru – Resource Guru, the fast and simple resource management tool that can help you schedule people, equipment, and other resources. With a drag and drop scheduler and a unique “clash management system,” the Guru will manage your resources and keep you in control. Monitor your resource utilization rates and pull reporting data from other key metrics like billable vs. non-billable time, time off, or even overtime work.
  • Runn – with Runn you can effortlessly plan your project resources in real-time, with easy-to-use interfaces and drag-and-drop editing. You can gain valuable insight into your project’s progress with performance metrics and cost analysis, while also forecasting future needs. The scheduling tool and time tracker automatically upload to timesheets, and integrate with Quickbooks and Slack.

There are many other excellent resource management tools out there like MeisterPlan, Forecast.app and Smartsheet’s resource management tool, these are just my favourites. Many of the popular project management platforms like Asana and Clickup also have some built-in resource management features. Integrating these tools into daily workflows is essential for effective workload management. It’s important to find a tool that fits the specific needs of the individual or team and make sure everyone is trained on how to use it properly. Evaluating the effectiveness of workload management tools is also important to ensure that they are actually improving productivity and not adding more unnecessary tasks.

Creating a Workload Management Plan

Feeling overwhelmed? Take a deep breath, my friend. Creating a workload management plan can help you regain control and conquer that to-do list like a champ.

Creating a workload management plan involves several steps:

Assessing your team’s capacity

It is important to remember that sometimes, your team members might end up over committing because they want to do well at work. As a leader, you need to have an idea of the scope of each project, and an estimation of the time each task will take to complete the project. You can then measure this against your team’s existing capacity and adjust their workload according to priorities.

Side Note: The simplest way to model capacity is often to create a “payroll grid”. This means listing all of your delivery and partial delivery employees, along with their weekly capacity and then multiplying that by the number of weeks in a given period.

Want to set benchmarks for your team and agency around utilization? You’d then add delivery/billable expectations and time off / holidays to that grid and model out your capacity and utilization targets for the team.


Gross capacity

Want this exact payroll grid template? It’s included for free in our Agency Profitability Toolkit:

Setting SMART goals for workload management

SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Setting goals based on these criteria helps to ensure that they are realistic and achievable.

Implementing workload management strategies and tools 

Based on the assessment and goals, specific strategies and tools should be identified and implemented. This may involve prioritization techniques, time management strategies, delegation, and outsourcing, as well as utilizing workload management software and tools.

Regularly reviewing and adjusting the workload management plan 

It’s important to regularly review the workload management plan to ensure that it’s still effective and adjust it as needed based on changes in workload or other factors.

5 Tips for Maintaining Workload Management Like a Pro:

  1. Short term planning = Long term success

Instead of planning too far ahead, focus on shorter time horizons. Trying to plan too far ahead can create unnecessary friction if things change, making it harder to keep the plan up-to-date. By keeping our planning periods short, you can make adjustments more easily and keep everyone on track.

  1. Speak the same lingo: 

Make sure you and your team have standardized date conventions in place. This means everyone is on the same page regarding deadlines and time ranges. You need to clearly document and understand how these impact the way that time estimates are accrued over a given time period. This also ensures that everyone is on the same page about what a deadline means – does it mean something needs to be done by the deadline date, by EOD on that deadline date, or something else?

  1. Try to expect the expected: 

When planning capacity and time estimates, it’s important to be conservative. For example, don’t set someone’s capacity to 8 hours per day if it’s unlikely they will be productive for more than 6 or 7. Also, round your time estimates up to account for unexpected scope on tasks. It’s better to set realistic expectations and exceed them than to set unrealistic expectations and fall short.

  1. Communication is key: 

Some cliches exist for a reason. When in doubt, over-communicate on expectation setting and management. Call it out if you or your team are not sure they’ll get a task done by the deadline. If you’re feeling uncomfortable about your workload, call it out. If there is a blocker or risk to a task, call it out. The more proactive and clear the communication is, the easier it is to keep the workload plan up-to-date and make adjustments to ensure everything stays on track and nobody gets stuck in a difficult position.

  1. Accuracy trumps precision: 

Focus on accuracy over precision. Keeping things simple and higher level whenever possible is key to effective workload management. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that more precision is always better, but when it comes to workload management (especially for projects or tasks that are likely to change), more precision often leads to more confusion and difficulty maintaining the plan. The first priority should be complete coverage of what needs to be done before drilling down into discrete details.


What are the 5 steps of proper workload management?

The five steps of proper workload management are mapping out your team’s capacity vis a vis the current workload, setting SMART goals, implementing workload management strategies and tools, regularly reviewing and adjusting the workload management plan, and maintaining healthy habits and routines.

How do you manage workload more effectively?

Managing workload more effectively involves prioritizing tasks, using time management techniques, delegating and outsourcing tasks, and using workload management software and tools. It also involves regularly reviewing and adjusting workload management strategies and maintaining healthy habits and routines.

How do you manage team workload?

Managing team workload involves assessing the current workload, delegating tasks, setting clear expectations and timelines, providing feedback and support, and encouraging open communication and collaboration. It also involves regularly reviewing and adjusting workload management strategies based on feedback and changing priorities.

In conclusion, workload management is essential to productivity and efficiency in both personal and professional settings. With effective workload management, individuals and teams can improve productivity, reduce stress and burnout, enhance work-life balance, and foster better collaboration and communication. The key to successful workload management lies in prioritization, time management, delegation, and the use of effective tools and software. Individuals and teams can achieve their goals and maintain a sustainable workload by creating a workload management plan and maintaining healthy habits and routines. Remember to continuously assess and adjust your workload management plan to ensure it remains effective in the long run. With the right strategies and tools, anyone can manage their workload effectively and achieve success.

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